The parishioners at St. Gabriel operate a food pantry and an emergency assistance center. Through this program, we feed the hungry by collecting and distributing contributions to individuals, designated soup kitchens, and food pantries.
You can make an immediate difference in the lives of our hungry neighbors by donating money, food items, and toiletries to support hungry people around Baltimore. You can contribute online through our We Share option or contribute by taking an envelope marked "Food Program", placing your money inside, and giving your envelope during the regular collection at Mass. Envelopes are located in the Narthex.
If you are in need of food or other support, please register with the Maryland Food Bank and its partners through Link2Feed, an online platform that will make your vists easier and quicker and help us serve you better! Choose St. Gabriel Church as your pick-up location. And please take a screengrab of your Client ID # (or write it down) for easier check in.
All information is private and protected by online-banking level security. The staff and volunteers using Link2Feed have all received training and signed confidentiality agreements. The Maryland Food Bank will not share or sell your information and your consent is required before MFB can contact you.
Register for Link2Feed with the Maryland Food Bank
Si necesita alimentos u otro tipo de apoyo, regístrese con el Banco de Alimentos de Maryland y sus socios a través de Link2Feed, una plataforma en línea que hará sus visitas más fáciles y rápidas, y nos ayudará a servirle mejor! Elija la Iglesia de San Gabriel como su lugar de recogida. Y por favor tome una captura de pantalla de su número de identificación de cliente (o escríbalo) para facilitar el registro.
Toda la información es privada y está protegida por el nivel de seguridad de la banca en línea. El personal y los voluntarios que usan Link2Feed han recibido entrenamiento y firmado acuerdos de confidencialidad. El Banco de Alimentos de Maryland no compartirá ni venderá su información y se requiere su consentimiento antes de que el MFB pueda contactario.
Registrate en Link2Feed con el Banco de Alimentos de Maryland
¿Necesita ayuda? Hable con um miembro del personal en el situo si tiene aigún problema, o envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected].